Spoiler-free Reviews of older movies! Facetious remarks in red.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Girlfriend's Boyfriend (2010, PG)

Hot dang, I was pleasantly surprised with this movie.  Alyssa Milano (Charmed television series), who I've had a crush on pretty much ever since I was old enough to have a crush (oh man, I want to bear her children... no wait, the other way around), meets and starts dating two guys on the same day: one is an aspiring writer and the other is a successful advertising executive.  The ad exec was played by Michael Landes, and he looked really familiar to me though I couldn't place it; looking it up now, he played Jimmy Olsen in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures Of Superman, but I don't know if that's it or maybe he just has one of those faces that look familiar.

The aspiring writer is the character the film began with and the beau I found myself rooting for (the non-rich, fiction fan, etc), though they both seemed to be good guys, were clever/witty and cared about Milano.  Milano's character was roommates with her brother who was played by Tom Lenk (Andrew from Buffy and one episode of Angel), who added his own awkward charm to the film.  The first few date scenes were more worthwhile to watch than later ones because they had more dialogue and character development, though I imagine a woman would like the chick-flicky qualities of the later dates more than I did.  She eventually had to make a decision and though the ending looked like it was going to be nauseatingly predictable, it turned out to be more creative, and then way more creative than I would have thought!

For a guy watching a romance (it was billed as a comedy, though wouldn't call it that overly much), this was one of the best I've seen.  Ladies, expect your guy to groan: it's his duty.  Guys, this is not bad, especially if you're a writer type who likes to see one of  your people kissing a girl (groan out loud and fist-bump me silently).  But keep in mind that the turn at the end totally makes it all worth it.

Parts of the movie made me go like this.

1 comment:

  1. Bruce Campell fell in love once. He just didnt realize it. I know the restraining order was just him running from his true feelings, and if he had responded to my letters and gifts he would be truly happy.

    Steely Dan
