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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

God Bless America (2011, R)

This is a dark comedy.  Like sprays of blood from reality-tv stars dark.  It's about a middle-aged divorcee, who has migraines and insomnia, who finds out he has an inoperable brain tumor and who is sick of the degradation of pop culture.  He goes on more than one rant throughout the film about what entertainment has become and the lack of originality or decency in things people say.  And he decides to go killing the "not very nice" people in the country.  The title, if you haven't already guessed, is meant ironically.  For any non-Americans reading this (and for Americans too, I suppose), please be aware that neither the main character nor his victims represent what all Americans are: they are merely a hyperbolic parody of the most pathetic parts of our society.

The movie started off slowly as it sets up his life and how much ti sucks, and only for moments at a time does it later get a fast pace.  Frank (the main character) is joined by Roxy, the classmate of his first victim.  His tired disgust for the worst of America is contrasted by her energetic vehemence against it, and she convinces him to turn his first kill into a spree.  Other than the obvious fact that Frank kills a lot of people, he maintains a pretty level head and somehow stays a pretty sympathetic character (there were several scenes where he could have gone really bad).

If you don't like violence, then DON'T WATCH THIS MOVIE!  But if you like a dark comedy and a cathartic violent romp against the various parts of society that really get under your skin, then you'll get a kick out of this one.

1 comment:

  1. Remember when this movie was called Super and started Rain Wilson? Bruce Campbell shakes his head at Bobcat Goldwhatever. And Bruce Campell knows more about America than you have forgotten.
