Spoiler-free Reviews of older movies! Facetious remarks in red.

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Little Blue Pill (2010, NR)

When I first read the description of the movie I thought it was some general fictitious medicine other that that little blue pill.  Turns out it was that little blue pill.  Or at least a parody of it: "Erecta"!  I can't say it's a good movie, but if you watch it sufficiently late at night and with sufficiently many drinks in you (as I did), it can be pretty damned fun!  The acting was terrible.  Well... I've seen worse.  But it's still not good.  There were no actor's I'm familiar with nor the director or screenwriter.  They had a decent camera and film stock, and some of the shot cuts near the end were actually noticeably good.

The premise is that the main character thought he was taking some over-the-counter painkillers for his headache (it was his roommate's medicine bottle) but it was actually a sample of the experimental (stronger) version of an erectile dysfunction medication.  And he took what would be a double-dose (fortunately he didn't take the third one in his hand).  He finds out that overdoses can cost his "equipment" and scrambles to try to find an antidote.  Parts of the setup are a lot like a high school buddy movie: the main character is a nice guy, his roomate/friend is a crude jerk, the girl is his just-friend who he might have a crush on.  The pharmaceutical company (Phalico) is trying to hunt him down and get rid of the evidence of the failed-trial version (this part is not standard high school comedy fare).  His self-imposed restrictions on how to deal with his problem are reminiscent of 40-Year-Old Virgin, which I also liked.  It's a "late night comedy" which means it's a raunchy romp with plenty of wackiness.  High school/college boys, this bud's for you (sorry, that ad campaign's inception predates even mine, but it's a line from Weird Science -which I watched probably close to 100 times growing up- so I have a soft spot for it).  There's really not much to say about this film other than it's a bit crude, it's got boobies, and my favorite line is "You're loosing your edge, Grampa: he's still alive."  If you're sober and the sun is shining, if you're above or below the age (or at least maturity level [and be proud of wherever you are]) to get a kick out of this, don't watch it.  But otherwise... do it.


  1. This movie wasn't bad, but it could have used more Bruce Campbell.

  2. OMG. So do you think you can give a shoutout to me in your next movie review?????? I wont tell you my name cuz we are on the internet so dont be a creep (LOL!) When are you going to review a movie about love. Not fake movie love but real love like when a girl loves 2 guys and one is hot but one is distingueshed and hot but she can only choose one.

  3. That sounds pretty specific... do you have a particular movie in mind?
